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Solving Issues with WordPress Theme Installation
Though the numerous WordPress themes and plugins make website designing quite easy, for the site to be developed flawlessly, you need to get the theme installation right. Incorrect installation may hamper WordPress template customization. Normally, you shouldn’t face any problems during installation as it’s a very simple process. But if you do face some difficulty during theme installation, this article should help you overcome the issues and enable you to do the installation properly.
Solving Issues with WordPress Theme Installation :
Theme Installation
The installation process is quite simple, you simply have to navigate to the WordPress dashboard and install it from Appearance> Themes> Add New. You must remember that the theme should always be uploaded as a zip file otherwise it may not work properly.
Any other format is not accepted. If by chance, you have already unzipped the theme file after downloading it, you should delete and download the theme afresh. Also, if your computer is programmed to automatically extract zip files upon download, then you need to disable this feature.
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File Size Error
Sometimes, you may see an error message concerning your theme’s file size. This may happen when there is a limit on the size of a file that can be uploaded to your server. If the message states that the file size is beyond the permitted limit, it needs to be fixed immediately.
To rectify this error, you will have to increase the memory and upload limit. There is another way to upload a theme, and that is via an FTP Client. If you are not acquainted with this method, there is no other option but to seek help from the hosting service provider.
![Solving Issues with WordPress Theme Installation](
Solving Issues with WordPress Theme Installation
WordPress Theme Unable to install as Plugin
It’s not unusual to find people trying to install WordPress Theme as plugins and vice-versa. You must appreciate the fact that you are installing a WordPress theme and not a plugin and, therefore, trying to install it as a plugin would not be the right proposition.
If you receive this error message during WordPress Theme installation, you will have to upload the theme again at the right location, and for that, you have to go to Appearance => Themes => Add New in the WordPress dashboard. You just have to follow the directions on the screen to get your WordPress template customization right.
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Solving Issues with WordPress Theme Installation
It’s quite possible that while uploading and installing a theme via the WordPress dashboard, you receive a message that reads: “PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10): Unable to find End of Central Dir Record Signature”. It’s only natural that you suspect the problem to be the zip file. But that’s not always true. The problem lies elsewhere, most probably in the storage space. What usually happens is your server has exhausted the storage space marked for your WordPress.
In such a situation, you can’t do anything else but find ways to increase the storage space, and the only option is to ask your hosting service provider to augment your storage capacity. In some instances, you may encounter this error during automatic updates of a theme or a plugin via the dashboard. So, if there is adequate space on your server, this error could be on account of a defective update device. Disable the auto-update feature and perform the whole exercise manually. There is no other option.
Installing a Child Theme
If you are proficient in coding and would like to customize the code of your WordPress theme, it’s best to use child themes for it. The prime benefit of using a child theme is that the chance of losing the original code is negligible. Premium themes usually come with a child theme included in them. This child theme, located within your parent WordPress theme, is primed for use.
Child themes are installed in precisely the same way as the parent theme, but make sure that the parent theme remains installed at all the time. The child theme is dependent upon the parent theme for proper functioning.
Retaining Settings While Upgrading to a Premium Version
If you have been using a free theme and now want to upgrade to a premium version to gain from the auxiliary features, you can install the premium version in the same fashion as you have done with the standard version. You just have to follow the directions to configure your website in whatever way you want.
You need to carry out a few opening configurations as described in the theme documentation. This is necessary to take benefit of the supplementary features that come with the premium theme. This entails uploading your logo, arranging custom menus, positioning the widgets, color selection, etc.
So, these are some common issues that you may come across during WordPress Theme installation. If you find any difficulty in WordPress template customization, it is recommended that you hire a WordPress developer.
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